Forelder i Rælingen, Christa (33)

Profil ID: 20822

Alder: (33)

Fylke: Akershus

Sted: Rælingen

Registrert på 5 måneder siden

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Hi! We are Christa, Tyler, and Walker (with another baby on the way) and we moved here from the USA in September. We have a 4-year-old son and are looking for someone for occasional evening babysitting who would also be willing to do 1-2 overnight sits in case I go into labor early this May! I have family coming from the USA on May 26 and the baby is due on May 28, so we would only need an overnight sit if I go into labor before my due date. We know it's a big inconvenience if we have to call if I go into labor in the middle of the night, so we will negotiate a generous overnight rate. Walker is in barnehage during the days from 9-3:30 and if I go into labor before he's dropped off for the day, you can choose if you would like to stay at our home with him or take him to barnehage. If I go into labor between 9-3:30, we would ask that you pick him up from barnehage and bring him to our home. (We live in Raelingen and he attends barnehage in Lillestrom.) He is an affectionate and well-behaved boy. This isn't his first time having a sitter (he has another occasional babysitter who is unable to do overnights) and he does well with us being away. We have three cats in our home, but my husband will come back from the hospital to take care of them as needed, so you will not be expected to do anything for them. We're all still learning Norwegian - Walker understands a lot but still responds in English at the moment. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos