Forelder i Nordstrand, Christine (36)

Profil ID: 20318

Alder: (36)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: Nordstrand

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Family of 4 (soon 5) living close to city center of Oslo (10 mins by car). Consist of Christine (mom) 35 y/o from Bergen and Christian (dad),41 y/o from outside Oslo. We live in a beautiful home with green surroundlyds and a quiet street. Jacob (6) just started school. He is fun, active and playful and love to play fotball, handball and bike. Solveig (almost 5) is artistic and playful and love music. Her favorite is to draw, paint or create different things. We like to enjoy the outdoors, either skiing in the mountains in the winter, snowsledding or be by the beach and water in the summer. We love to bike and explore! In 2024 we are expexting a third child and we realize that in order to keep up the same pace we are now, we need some more help in the household with light chores and the kids. Christine has been an exchange student in the US when she was 17 and knows what it feels like to move in with a new family. We will make sure you feel comfortable and at home in our house and part of the family, and respect your privacy and space. You will have its own spacious room and bathroom in the basement floor of the house for extra privacy. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos