Forelder i Bærum, Rebecca (38)

Profil ID: 18294

Alder: (38)

Fylke: Akershus

Sted: Bærum

Registrert på 1 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Seeking a long term regular babysitter for our 3 (nearly 4) year old as our previous babysitter of 1 year is moving country. British family in Eiksmarka on the 230 bus route from Bekkestua/Sandvika. We have a calm and sweet 3-year old bilingual son (English and Norwegian) he likes to pretend to be a cat, to play hide and seek, listening to stories and playing with cars and lego. We are looking for someone to come to our house to play and put our son to bed at least once a fortnight and sometimes every week from 6pm until 10/11pm so that we can have a date night, or see friends. We can fix the evening to the same day of the week. We can speak Norwegian but are still learning. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos