Au pair i Gamle Oslo

Dagmamma Gamle Oslo Barnevakt Gamle Oslo Au pair Gamle Oslo Foreldre Gamle Oslo

Patricia (25)   Au pair i Gamle Oslo

Dear Host Family, Jeg heter Patricia Divine, men du kan ringe Pat eller Patty. Jeg er 23 år gammel fra Filippinene. Jeg fullførte min bachelorgrad i hjemmekunnskap i juni 2022. Jeg…

Kelsey (26) Au pair i Gamle Oslo

Hello, my name is Kelsey, I grew up in South Africa and I am a Norwegian citizen. I am coming back to Norway at the end May - beginning of July and I am looking for a job as an aupair/nanny.…

Kristine Joy (20) Au pair i Gamle Oslo

I am responsible, empathetic, and have strong family values. I want to be an au pair to experience different cultures, care for children, and share my language. I seek to learn from… 2025 | Dagmamma AS Kripos