Forelder i Bergen, Silje (39)

Profil ID: 20857

Alder: (39)

Fylke: Hordaland

Sted: Bergen

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We are a Norwegian family of 6, mum, dad, and 4 children aged 7,6,2 and 0. My husband and I work as medical doctors. We Are lokking for a nanny/au pair. We love to be active and outdores. We like hiking, skiing, swiming, padeling kajak. We love to play, read books, play games, make music, jump on the trampoline, bake and much more. We Are christians, and go to church. We Are looking for a positive, fleksible, patient, loving person who can play with the kids and also can do some tasks in the house. We Are interested from approximately August 2024. Looking forward to hear form you. 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos